thank you's


   I would never have been able to put the site together on Geocities,without the help of AMBER!! Oh my goodness- I was clueless and she guided me through it step by step. Her directions were so easy to follow and she answered any and all of my questions promptly!
   She told me I wasn't stupid when I really was! ;) Thank you- Thank you- Thank you!!

   And thank you's are sent to my sister Jamie- she is really going to LOVE to be mentioned on the site again!! :)
   She too, listened to me whine, laughed when I yelled at my computer, and tried to give me advice.
   She even watched me do a happy dance when it all came together! And not a single eye roll! I feel the love! :)
I need to include more thank you's: El, for this fabulous new site on Vamato. It's as beautiful as you are! Thank you!! And Janice for her editing!! My stories would be nothing without you! You have steered me in the right direction more than once! I appreciate it so much!!

