about me


    I was first introduced to Trixe when I was 9 yrs. old by my best friend, Rhonda. She said I just HAD to read it. She loaned me #2, and I fell in love. I remember I was excited when my mom bought me my first books. It was through a party plan- don't ask me which one, and it was a set of 3. Books 17, 18, & 19.  From that moment on, it was my ritual to constantly check the dime stores- that's where I found them- for new ones. It wasn't until years later that I realized the books were written so long ago!  :)
   I had a complete set. I finished collecting them into my adult hood. but through the years, some have disappeared. With the help of Ebay- I have just gotten the last book I needed! Yay!

    I discovered Trixie online one day when I was bored. I wanted to do something on my new computer- but was at a loss as to what. I typed in Trixie Belden. It was wonderful, I found a whole new world!!  I joined Jix and Zap's and made lots of new friends. The authors on these pages are incredibly talented. I am in awe every day of the things that pop up from their minds!
   This site has been my way of contributing to the Trixie world. I remember often thinking, someone should continue Trixie- into adult hood. Now I have found she has grown up.
    I am a single mom- with 3 boys ages, 9, 12,and 15. They think I am crazy!! But what do they know?! My mom laughs at me, my sister, who I turned on to Trixie when she was younger, has a tolerance of my obsessions. [she was one of my technical supports on this site- to which I am eternally grateful! ;)  ]
   I have found new friends,  along with my old while I explore  the Bob Whites all over again!
   I have always loved writing- I have written many things through the years! But I have never shared anything until now! The support I have found , has been phenominal! I am so thrilled to be included within this group of people.

    My Trixie ideas come to me at the strangest times- but I laugh- I'm not alone in that! Thank goodness!
    Jim is my favorite. He is included in everything I write, and while I wholeheartedly support Jim with Trixie, I have strayed! I have an original character popping up to rock Jim's world. They have their own universe dedicated to just the two of them.
   So in some aspects I'm traditional, but in others, I'm far from it.

